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Artwork Specifications

Art Guidelines For Custom DTF Transfers

The final result of custom heat transfers is based on your artwork quality. To make sure it will be the same as you expect, please provide the best quality artwork you have. Below are the artwork guidelines for your reference.

If you have any questions about your artwork before uploading it, feel free to contact us!

1. Support Art File Formats


Recommended file types: PDF, AI, EPS, or PSD
Accepted file types: PDF, AI, EPS, PSD, JPG, PNG, or TIFF
If using Corel Draw, please save your file as a PDF before submitting it.

2. Artwork Size

Select a gang sheet size that fits your design. For example, if the print size you want is 11″ x 11″, then the closest gang sheet size is 11.2″x11.2″.

3. Bitmaps/ Raster Artwork Requirements

  • Please send high-quality files (300 dpi recommended) or send the best you have.
  • The background must be TRANSPARENT for free-floating art.
  • No fades or glows on free-floating art (Use clipping path to make sharp edges). Any type of gradient within the artwork possibly results in a rough or splotchy edge.

4. Vector Artwork Requirements

  • Make sure your fonts are not “live fonts” they should be converted to outlines or shapes.
  • All the strokes/paths must convert to objects or we can’t proceed with printing.
  • Strongly recommended save as PDF.